A Guide to Creating Your Own Training Modules

A Guide to Creating Your Own Training Modules

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The Australian healthcare system is continuously evolving, making ongoing education a necessity for healthcare professionals. Learning and development managers are increasingly turning to training modules to meet these educational needs. In this article, we'll explore the various aspects of creating effective training modules for employees in healthcare.

What are Training Modules?

A training module is a structured and organised set of educational material focused on a specific topic. Training modules aim to achieve distinct learning objectives and are generally a part of a larger training course. In the healthcare system, these modules often cover a range of clinical and non-clinical topics, as well as mandatory training requirements based on Australian healthcare standards such as Medicare guidelines, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission protocols, or NDIS processes.

What Are the Different Types of Training Modules?

Types of Training Modules

There are various types of training modules to consider:

  • Informational Modules: These modules are primarily focused on knowledge transfer. They can be about new healthcare policies, Medicare guidelines, or general medical knowledge.
  • Skills-based Modules: These are designed to impart specific skills. These modules often include interactive assessments and are crucial for training healthcare professionals in tasks like patient care, medical procedures, and equipment handling.
  • Compliance Modules: These modules are targeted at fulfilling statutory or regulatory requirements. Topics can range from NDIS guidelines to workplace health and safety.
  • Orientation/Induction Modules: These modules are designed for new employees and usually provide an overview of the healthcare system, the organisation’s policies, and job-specific duties.
  • Continuing Education Modules: These are for ongoing professional development and may cover a variety of advanced topics, often designed in collaboration with subject matter experts.

Considerations for Creating Your Own Training Modules

When creating training, several important considerations can impact the module’s effectiveness:

  • Learning Objectives - Well-defined objectives guide the training’s focus and make it easier to measure success.
  • Employee Training Needs - Conduct a needs assessment to ensure that your modules address actual knowledge and skill gaps among employees.
  • Interactive Assessment - Include engaging, meaningful assessments that enable both the employee and the organisation to measure learning outcomes.
  • Resource Allocation - Consider the human and financial resources needed to successfully create and deploy the training modules.
  • Content Format - Decide whether the training will be text-based, video-based, or a mix of various formats.
  • Learning Format - Consider if the module will be self-paced, instructor-led, or a blend of both. The format can influence engagement and the effectiveness of the training.

How to Create Your Own Training Modules?

Steps to Creating Training Modules

Creating your own training modules involves several key steps. Here’s a more in-depth look:

  1. Define Training Goals: Begin by setting clear, measurable objectives that align with the overall training goal. These goals help you tailor the content to meet specific outcomes.
  2. Select Content Format: Depending on your audience and the subject matter, select an appropriate content format. This could be textual, graphical, video-based, or a combination of these.
  3. Consult Subject Matter Experts: Collaboration with subject matter experts ensures that the content is both accurate and relevant. This is especially important in the healthcare setting, where inaccurate information can have serious repercussions.
  4. Utilise a Module Creation Tool: Specialised software makes it easier to create online training modules. These tools often include pre-designed templates and interactive elements, further simplifying the process.
  5. Iterative Feedback: Before finalising the module, obtain feedback from a sample group. Make necessary adjustments based on this feedback to produce an effective training module.
  6. Distribute the Learning: Once all the above steps are completed, you can distribute the learning to the relevant healthcare staff so they can begin developing new knowledge and skills.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Creating Your Own Training Modules?

Before diving into the decision to create your own training modules, it's important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Tailor-made training can offer great benefits in terms of specificity and relevance but also come with its own sets of challenges, particularly in terms of resource allocation and expertise. Here, we outline some of the key pros and cons.

Pros Cons
Customisation: Modules can be tailored to fit the specific needs and gaps within your healthcare system, offering targeted and relevant training. Time-Consuming: Creating effective training modules takes time and resources, both for the initial creation and ongoing updates.
Flexibility: Easily update or modify the content to stay in line with changes in healthcare guidelines or Medicare policies. Requires Expertise: You'll need access to subject matter experts for content creation, as well as experience in educational design for a truly effective training module.
Cost-Effectiveness: Once the initial investment is made in an authoring tool and module creation, it can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to purchasing off-the-shelf solutions. Initial Costs: There may be upfront costs for acquiring an authoring tool and other resources for module creation.
Consistency: Ensures that all employees receive the same training, which is particularly important for compliance and regulatory needs. Quality Assurance: Ensuring consistent quality and effectiveness across all modules can be challenging and often requires ongoing evaluation and revisions.s

Want a healthcare LMS that you can create and distribute training modules?

Contact Ausmed today and see how we can support your organisation!

Tools and Platforms for Creating Training Modules

When it comes to creating your own training modules, choosing the right authoring tools and platforms is crucial for effective delivery. These platforms often come with a range of features to create online training modules, including multimedia integration, quiz makers, and even analytics for measuring the module's effectiveness. Here are some commonly used tools:

  • Articulate Storyline: This is a powerful tool for creating interactive, slide-based courses. It offers a wide range of options for customisation and interactivity.
  • Adobe Captivate: Known for its user-friendly interface, Captivate allows you to create e-learning courses that include simulations and quizzes.
  • Moodle: This open-source Learning Management System (LMS) is highly flexible and can be customised to fit a range of educational needs. Moodle allows for the creation and management of online training modules and also offers analytics.
  • Elucidat: A cloud-based authoring tool that allows for collaborative course creation. Elucidat offers a variety of pre-designed templates and is great for organisations that have a team-based approach to course creation.
  • Ausmed: The Ausmed LMS allows you to create training modules, assign them to staff based on relevant training plans, teams and job roles, and monitor staff performance. It's specifically geared towards healthcare professionals with the ability to evaluate your modules against the NSQHS and Aged Care Quality Standards.

Training Module Template

A training module template serves as a step-by-step guide to streamline the process of module creation. Using a template can save both time and resources, ensuring that your modules maintain a consistent structure and quality. Templates often include placeholders for key elements like learning objectives, content format, and assessments.

Example Training Module Template for Healthcare

An example training module template could include the following components:

Section Input
Title [Title here]
Learning Objectives [Learning objectives here]
Introduction [Introduction here]
Content Sections
  • Section 1
  • Section 2
  • Section 3
  • Etc
Summary [Summary here]
Assessment [Assessment here]
Feedback and Evaluation [Feedback survey]
  • Question 1
  • Question 2
  • Question 3
  • etc

How to Create Your Own Training Modules on Ausmed?

On Ausmed, you can easily create learning modules and courses with our LMS. The in-built course builder feature supports your ability to create unique training relevant to your staff needs, and allows you to link relevant NSQHS and ACQS standards to support your compliance requirements. Simply follow the prompts to input your content, set your learning objectives, and include interactive assessments to create an effective training module.

Related Resources


Creating your own training modules is an integral part of ongoing education in the healthcare system. While the process may seem daunting, systematic planning, expert consultation, and the use of the right tools can simplify the process. Effective training modules are more than just a course that focuses on a specific topic; they are the cornerstone for improving healthcare quality and patient safety in Australia.


  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. (2021). National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. Retrieved from https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/
  • Articulate. (2022). Articulate Storyline. Retrieved from https://www.articulate.com/
  • Adobe. (2022). Adobe Captivate. Retrieved from https://www.adobe.com/products/captivate.html
  • Moodle. (2022). Open-source learning platform. Retrieved from https://moodle.org/
  • Elucidat. (2022). Cloud-based authoring tool. Retrieved from https://www.elucidat.com/